Instant Appreneur
Watch the Video And Complete Your Prep Work For The Developer
Before you get in touch with the developer, you will need to do some prep work/homework so that the process of working with them goes smoothly and easily.
They will be helping you to reskin your app with your name branding, your colors, your icon, and your screenshots, but it requires you to do prep work and make decisions about these items before you get in touch with them.
Click Here To Download The Questionnaire you must complete for the dev team. You should have it in front of you while you watch this video.
The dev team we recommend is a phenomenal company with one of the most reliable teams in the world. They’re extremely experienced at making very sophisticated apps. You’ll be in good hands with them. I recommend them for your future apps, too.
VERY IMPORTANT: You must complete the questionnaire first. If it is not completely filled in, they will only send you back to complete this and the process will be delayed.
Once you’ve watched the video, done your prep work, and completely filled out your questionnaire, it’s time to submit it.
Email Ankit Shah, your development project manager, with the completed form at [email protected]
We also suggest you go thru all the –> VIP Coaching Calls for more detailed strategy and ideas on how to choose your branding for your reskin.